Thursday, March 5, 2009

School Attendance

It is the philosophy of the School District that students need to be in attendance to benefit from the instruction provided. Regular attendance enhances learning and develops skills which relate to future educational and occupational success. When employers contact administrators for references on former students, they universally ask about attendance patterns. But there is much more to attendance than meets the eye...

Idaho defines school age as "all persons between the ages of 5 and 21... The age of five years shall be attained when the fifth anniversary of birth occurs before the first day of September of the school year the child is to enroll in kindergarten." (Idaho Code 33-201). In addition to identifying when students can begin public school, Idaho has a compulsory attendance law which states that parents or guardians of any child between the ages of 7 and 16 shall cause the child to be instructed in subjects commonly and usually taught in the public schools.

This education can occur in public, private, or parochial schools or through home study. While there is virtually no state regulation of home schooled students, our District has several policies relating to the transition of these students into the public school and dual enrollment of non-traditional students. See GSD Policies 320.8 and 430.9.

When parents or guardians of school age children choose to enroll them into the public school, they fall under local policy which identifies a ninety percent attendance requirement (Policy 440.2). Students are allowed to miss ten percent of the time school is in session. This is nine days for secondary students each semester and eighteen days annually for elementary students. The only days NOT counted in calculating attendance include: school-sponsored activities and field trips, bereavement in the immediate family, subpoenas to appear in court, and illness or hospitalization verified by a physician. Exceeding the allowable absences may put a student in jeopardy of moving to the next grade level and, in the case of secondary students, earning credit toward graduation.

Interestingly, attendance also factors into the funding of the local school district. The funding formula for Idaho schools is based on average daily attendance not enrollment. We must provide facilities, instruction and materials for every student enrolled, yet we are only given funding for those who attend. Generally, we have a very high attendance rate in Genesee which hovers around 95%. Even a one percent increase would provide an additional $23,000 of state funding to the District.

Very few students would ever have 100% attendance. They get sick and they should stay home to get better and protect other students. They may have a medical or dental appointment that cannot be scheduled outside of school hours and other legitimate reasons. Encouraging your student to be successful in school through regular attendance will allow him or her to develop a positive attitude toward life-long learning.

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